Interview by Ignasi Trochut, Spain
IEP 8041, Manhattan Campus
Masako Ozawa, a good friend,
last Saturday April 8 2006, played at Continental
Bar on East Village with her group "Hooch Wolves."
The day was very cold and raining, but inside thebar,
with the fun and the music we didn't feel cold,
the opposite inside the bar was excellent atmosphere
Masako, who plays trombone, made a great performance
the group played a lot of kinds of music:
Rock, ska, punk, metal…All those listening were
dancing, jumping and enjoying with the soul the
music on live. With this performance, Masako has
played twice in Continental Bar, that place is mythical
for the Punk's funs. After the performance, I
could make an interview with the star:
Q: How long have you been playing the trombone,
and why did you choose this instrument?
A: I have been playing trombone for 4 years.
I began playing trombone in College in Japan.
In the band of my university I entered to play piano,
but the group needed one trombone player;
for this reason I changed it.
Q: How did you meet with the components of the band?
A: In Japan I worked in a restaurant,
that have another restaurant in NYC.
When I came in December to New York,
I met the drummer of the group.
After that, he introduced me to the group.
Q: What kind of music do you like and which players are your favorite?
A: I like a lot of kinds of music,
but my favorites are Jazz, Rock(especially Hard Rock),
The groups I like are, for example,
Count Basic and Pe'z (Japanese jazz group).
This group I saw in Fuji Rock Festival
and I was surprised with their style.
Q: What do you feel when you go up on stage?
A: I feel very excited. I like this feeling!
In the beginning I was shy, but with the contact with the audience
I changed my mind and my character.
And now I love and enjoy anytime on stage.
Q: New York is a good place to perform?
A: New York is a good place for the players,
but only 1% can live only with the music.
NYC has very good players, and sometimes,
the best players are in the streets not in the theater.
If you want to play you have a lot opportunities to play
(all, of course free).
Q: In reference to the previous question, what would
you change in NY to improve the musical scene?
A: If I have the power to change this situation, for
example I'll give more money to the musical schools.
To help the schools is to harness the quality,
and of course, another way is to harness the young talents.
Q: What do you want for your future, what do you want to do?
A: In the future, if I can I want to study jazz and I
would like to work with music, but I think that
is very difficult. Right now, it is only a hobby.
Q: Thank you Masako for you time.
A: Thank you.